Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: WMCCC - may the best man at getting the fastest hardware win

Author: Chris Whittington

Date: 06:51:20 10/22/97

Go up one level in this thread

On October 22, 1997 at 09:19:26, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On October 22, 1997 at 06:33:23, Chris Whittington wrote:
>>On October 22, 1997 at 05:16:45, Walter Ravenek wrote:
>>>Since there is nothing in the tournament rules to forbid you
>>>to use the fastest machine you can get, it is no use complaining.
>>>However, it definitely is a point worth considering when organizing
>>>the next tournament. I would strongly be in favour of a uniform
>>>platform tournament.
>>This is very difficult to define and would exclude all kinds of people
>>and hardware platforms that we might want to participate.
>>I'ld like to see a generally 'fair' tournament. Like in my kids school,
>>they do sport and games. Each year group plays children of the same age.
>>Some children are bigger and fitter and their ages range over 0-12
>>months difference.
>>This isn't uniform, bit it is kind of fair, in general. What wouldn't be
>>fair, woudl be including players that were 1 or 2 or 3 years older.
>>One thing that troubles me this year (and no doubt all the other years),
>>is that we only get to hear that so and so is using 100,000 TeraHertz at
>>pretty much the last minute (or last month or whatever), certainly after
>>applications have gone in, and also after I've paid my semi-irreversable
>>$1000 and sorted out an operator and all the other things that make the
>>application solid.
>>If I knew, say 12 months before, what the top machine could be, I'ld
>>have time and space to (a) get one myself, (b) decide whether I wanted
>>to go at all, (c) not get pushed into some last minute desperate,
>>expensive effort at trying to compete. We would ALL get off more
>>cheaply, since we wouldn't be tempted to spend megabucks on some rare
>>fast liquid notrogen cooled monster that happended to becoem available a
>>few weeks beforehand.
>I don't see how this is an issue.  #1 was there any doubt that Dark
>or Chess Guru would show up this year?  #2 I didn't know any sooner than
>did about the 766mhz machines (which as I have already said, I doubt if
>get one of 'em).  We started working on getting an alpha about 2 weeks
>and had no problems in getting a decent machine from DEC.

Dark Thought and Chess Guru. Not heard of the latter, can live with the
former. Neither of them are crowing and shouting and competing in the
forum of programs.

Ferret and Crafty we hear a lot about. Crafty-crowing has become quite
commonplace recently. So, programs, in with a chance anyway, on normal
hardware; then with 100,000,000 tera-megas flops, seem IMO to be trying
it on; and tryign to get an unfair advantage. I mean if Anance turns up
on a Cray, I wouldn't be concerned. Get it now ?


>>>Walter Ravenek

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