Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Paris Blitz Tournament Thorsten "live" after round 6

Author: Ingo Althofer

Date: 09:42:41 11/01/97


Ferret 5.5
Shredder 5.0
Junior, Guru, Virtual 4.0
Hydra, Tiger, Diep, Fritz 3.5
SOS, DarkThought, Eugen, CSTal 3.0
Crafty 2.5
Nightmare, Capture, Isichess, TCB, Comet, Gandalf 2.0
Patzer, XXXX 1.0

The list may contain some slight errors ( should be no more than +- 0.5
per team )


PS: Thorsten is asking how expensive a normal subscription to ICC
is, because of the prices for the programs on slow machines...
 ( He thought that it had been free... )

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