Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Paris Blitz Tournament Thorsten

Author: Herbert Groot Jebbink

Date: 10:20:00 11/01/97

Go up one level in this thread

On November 01, 1997 at 12:42:41, Ingo Althofer wrote:

>PS: Thorsten is asking how expensive a normal subscription to ICC
>is, because of the prices for the programs on slow machines...
> ( He thought that it had been free... )

from the ICC helpfiles

>6 months Regular - $29
>One year Regular - $49

It is not a lot, only a way to show my respect to those players
that did not go into the arms race.

Can you ask Thorsten to ask the 2 winners tomorrow about their
email adresses and email it to me?

Greetings, Herbert

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