Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Info on Ananse

Author: Keith Ian Price

Date: 18:31:17 11/06/97

Go up one level in this thread

On November 06, 1997 at 18:35:25, Chris Whittington wrote:

>Ananse has been doing quite badly for quite some time now. If it has
>ever scored 1 point in its life, I've not seen it :(
>Chris Whittington
This could make it the hottest selling game ever. Finally, a program
people who are not masters might be able to beat! He just needs to know
how to market it.

Picture a TV commercial starting out with a man getting up quickly from
a computer, shaking his fist at it, and shutting it off. His wife asks,
"Honey, is something wrong with your computer?" "No!," he responds
angrily, "It's this damn Chessmaster program! It keeps beating me! I'm
sick of it!" "Oh, honey," she says softly, handing him a package, "maybe
you should try this!" Camera zooms in on package: "ANANSE! The computer
chess program for the rest of us!" Later, Man, smiling, looks to his
wife and says, "Honey, this is great! I just won again, but it put up a
great fight!" ;<)


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