Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Info on Ananse

Author: Willie Wood

Date: 12:49:16 11/07/97

Go up one level in this thread

On November 06, 1997 at 21:31:17, Keith Ian Price wrote:

>On November 06, 1997 at 18:35:25, Chris Whittington wrote:
>>Ananse has been doing quite badly for quite some time now. If it has
>>ever scored 1 point in its life, I've not seen it :(
>>Chris Whittington
>This could make it the hottest selling game ever. Finally, a program
>people who are not masters might be able to beat! He just needs to know
>how to market it.
>Picture a TV commercial starting out with a man getting up quickly from
>a computer, shaking his fist at it, and shutting it off. His wife asks,
>"Honey, is something wrong with your computer?" "No!," he responds
>angrily, "It's this damn Chessmaster program! It keeps beating me! I'm
>sick of it!" "Oh, honey," she says softly, handing him a package, "maybe
>you should try this!" Camera zooms in on package: "ANANSE! The computer
>chess program for the rest of us!" Later, Man, smiling, looks to his
>wife and says, "Honey, this is great! I just won again, but it put up a
>great fight!" ;<)

SICC.  Thanks for that, Keith.  I wonder how it gets in the tournament
if it's got such a poor record?

Also, by the way, the computer for the rest of us (G3) is quite a bit
faster than the p2-300.


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