Author: steve blincoe
Date: 05:16:42 01/16/98
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WELL i am glad to see that there is some interset in this topic.i will now add my 2cents.the tasc module is a very strong machine and comes in a beautiful casing but even i agree $1500 is a bit absurd to pay for any one unit.however the sapphire 2 which costs under $200 or even the atlanta(fide rated at 2300) can now be bought for $400.i own both units and let me say that being able to play a very strong opponent while on the train commuting to work,or sitting on my living room couch is great!!i agree with those that expressed anger at seeing the modular concept disapear.i owned all four mephisto boards (mobil, modular, exclusive and munchen"s")all of which were designed to accept new and improved modules as the technology can imagine my disgust when after a few short years mephisto scraped the modular concept.i think i had about $2000 invested in theses boards!!
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