Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder5 patch

Author: Christian Koch

Date: 12:53:42 12/06/00

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Hi Stefan,

how to setup Gandalf to use his own book? In the engime-match dialog one can't
include the Gandalf book!!

best regards,

On December 06, 2000 at 15:48:23, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:

>On December 06, 2000 at 15:37:31, Christian Koch wrote:
>>Hello Stefan
>>does that mean that Gandalf and so on use their own books?
>Yes, this is also possible now.
>>best regards,
>>On December 06, 2000 at 12:12:50, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:
>>>On you can find patch for
>>>Shredder5. This patch fixes a problem in our external copy protection which did
>>>not recognize the original Shredder5 CD on some systems running Windows 2000 and
>>>Windows NT. Additionally it is now possible to play engine matches with a
>>>different opening book for both sides. Some bugs has also been fixed so I
>>>suggest everyone using Shredder5 to download it.

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