Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: EGTB

Author: Carsten Kossendey

Date: 13:12:11 02/10/98

Go up one level in this thread

On February 10, 1998 at 07:16:20, frank phillips wrote:

>First, thanks to Steven Edwards for making his endgame database base
>generator (tbgen) publicly available and Bob Hyatt for Crafty which can
>uses them.
>At iteration 25 of KRRKR (and very near the end I suspect) after
>five-days and one hour on my AMD K6/233 W95 system, tbgen stopped with a
>Kernal32 error.  Windows did not hang.  Is there any way of continuing
>from where it stopped or do I have to start again from scratch?

If you have a C compiler you can restart at iteration 25. If not you
will have to start from scratch again. Here's how to hack it:

1) Make a copy of tbmake.c (call it tbmake25.c or whatever)

2) Take the copy and locate the "/* announce high water marks */"

3) Before that comment, set the high water marks accordingly. For KRRKR
that is:

   maxmatev[c_w]=31; maxlosev[c_w]=19; maxmatev[c_b]=20;

   (Perhaps I'm wrong here but it looks right.)

4) after the block where the high water marks are announced, find
   and change that to "distance=25"

5) remove all the code before the line you just entered to set the high
   marks up to (& including) the block with the "/* initialize file
contents */"

6) recompile and run with the modified sources.

Five days and one hour for 25 iterations seems excessive anyway. I built
the whole KRRKR class in less than 2 days I think.

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