Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: EGTB

Author: frank phillips

Date: 07:04:26 02/11/98

Go up one level in this thread

Thanks for the reply.  Sadly, I am not a programmer and do not have C or
the tbgen source code, so cannot easily implement your solution.  Time
to start again.

It seems from the time it took you to generate KRRKR that you have
something other than a slow PC - unless I missed a trick.  (I simply
downloaded the zipped version of tbgen.exe at chess.onenet and set it
going, without anything on the command line other than directory paths
for the various files.).

On February 10, 1998 at 16:12:11, Carsten Kossendey wrote:

>On February 10, 1998 at 07:16:20, frank phillips wrote:
>>First, thanks to Steven Edwards for making his endgame database base
>>generator (tbgen) publicly available and Bob Hyatt for Crafty which can
>>uses them.
>>At iteration 25 of KRRKR (and very near the end I suspect) after
>>five-days and one hour on my AMD K6/233 W95 system, tbgen stopped with a
>>Kernal32 error.  Windows did not hang.  Is there any way of continuing
>>from where it stopped or do I have to start again from scratch?
>If you have a C compiler you can restart at iteration 25. If not you
>will have to start from scratch again. Here's how to hack it:
>1) Make a copy of tbmake.c (call it tbmake25.c or whatever)
>2) Take the copy and locate the "/* announce high water marks */"
>3) Before that comment, set the high water marks accordingly. For KRRKR
>that is:
>   maxmatev[c_w]=31; maxlosev[c_w]=19; maxmatev[c_b]=20;
>   (Perhaps I'm wrong here but it looks right.)
>4) after the block where the high water marks are announced, find
>   and change that to "distance=25"
>5) remove all the code before the line you just entered to set the high
>   marks up to (& including) the block with the "/* initialize file
>contents */"
>   comment.
>6) recompile and run with the modified sources.
>Five days and one hour for 25 iterations seems excessive anyway. I built
>the whole KRRKR class in less than 2 days I think.

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