Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Chess Assistant 6 / Tiger14 / Tablebases FAQ

Author: Victor Zakharov

Date: 07:51:27 04/03/01

As a few questions were anounced on CCC I would like to clarify some details
here mainly concerning using tablebases in CA6 together with Tiger14. Any other
problems are welcome. But don't forget about
that should solve all your problems ASAP.

Q. Does CA6 support Tiger14 and Tiger Gambit-II? Do I need any CA patch for

A. There is no need for any changes in CA6 executables to support new Tiger
engines that can be downloaded from

But to use the major Tiger14 advantage - tablebases you should either download
new Engines6.frm from the address above

or to make CT.INI file with lines

TBPath= <path to the TB files>
TBCache= <size of the TB cache in Kb>

in Chess Assistant directory.

Anyway CAWIN.EXE patch that knows all Tiger 14 details is going to be published
on ChessAssistant site next two weeks.


Q. Why the tablebases don’t work with Tiger14 and Tiger Gambit-II under CA6 GUI?

A. The file engines6.frm supplied April, 2 by Convekta in the update package is
wrong. Download new one from the following address

and overwrite your old one. Engines6.ini should be deleted first. Be sure that
CA 6 is not running during update.


Q. How to use tablebases in Shredder5 inside CA6 GUI?

A. We should stress that TB settings for CA6 are not automatically go to
settings of all linked engines. So you should set TB path and other parameters
for every engine separately.
As for Shredder5 engine press Alt-F11 key. Click on Shredder5 and then

Another detail. If engine that you use supports tablebases it is recommended to
turn off CA6 support of them. It will reduce occupied system resources.


Q. How to know do tablebases are used by an engine?

A. There is no information about this in CA6 GUI. Usually activating tablebases
takes a lot of time (10 seconds or more).
Displaying of this information is planed in the nearest CAWIN.EXE patch.


Q. When CA6 patch will be available?

A. Patches or service releases became popular in software industry last years.
Not only the bugs are the reason of them. But experience of a lot of users can
help to improve some details and to tune a program. CA6 is considered (by
Convekta) as quite stable for this complex product. Anyway some problems (no one
is considered as major) were found and fixed.

In two weeks Convekta is going to release CA6 update. Sure all the CA 6 users
will be able to download it for free. Two main directions of this update will be
1) Tuning engine/analysis features. Information about tablebases using, hits and
number of positions per second will be displayed. CA 6 is tested now with more
Winboard and UCI engines and essential corrections will be done. No major GUI
changes. But experience of more than month of CA6 using is taken into
2) Much more improved opening books editor. I hope that as novice users so
experienced ones will be very pleased with it.

And sure it will be a lot of minor changes in other modes that will make work
with CA6 even more comfortable.


Q. For setting tablebases path CA6 allows to select only one file in the TB
directory. How to choose all the other files?

A. It is design flaw. Really selecting one file selects the whole directory.
Misunderstanding is fixed in the patch that will be released soon.

Thanks for your attention


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