Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Xeon and Fritz <<New thread!

Author: fca

Date: 06:21:26 04/21/98

Go up one level in this thread

On April 20, 1998 at 22:57:46, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>On April 20, 1998 at 21:58:07, fca wrote:

>>And lighten up folks - those pics had me rofl...

>Yes, but they weren't of you.

Correct.  As denied by me elsewhere, too.  I cannot stop others trolling
about things like this... and how many times must I deny it before my
denial becomes part of the problem?  :-)

Nor would I be likely to be rofl about photos of myself that I would
then have seen before...   :-))

I am not someone who has posted here, or on rgcc, before under a
different name. I have lurked for ages.  Please, folks, as bruce and
mclane and others and I say - cease the pointless speculation.  It is no
big deal.

I return now to researching the Xeon Pentium II, which my search engines
reveal is only referred to once on the net - in Intel's official site
(yesterday's press release). That itself is significant.   This
processor should be a shot in the arm for c.c.  It is the processor I
have been referring to as the Deschutes Slot II in other threads.   With
a 450NX chipset and Level 2 cache operating at 450MHz (4 times faster
than previously typical, ignoring CPUs released in the last month) and
up to 2Mb in size, this beast will play fast chess with the whole hash
table in cache..

The benefit will be especially felt with the "slower" programs (like
Rebel or Genius)- beasts like Fritz fill up a hash table so fast (and
faster now that 2Mb will be cached) that much more than 2Mb will be
needed, even for blitz chess.

Views, anyone?

Kind regards


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