Author: Robert Hyatt
Date: 06:33:08 08/29/01
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On August 29, 2001 at 08:29:28, Erkki Malkamaki wrote: While the information is both good, and old, it won't help the argument. A few are not going to let some facts get in their way when they want to bash the machine or the "team" of developers... :( >This heated discussion about Deep Blue pops up regularly , so here are some >cuts from different articles. > >Many of you have already forgotten that Deep Thought in 1990 with 750000 n/s was >pretty strong. > >From Scientific American Oct 1990: > >"In January of 1988, at a press conference in Paris, world chess champion Gary >K. Kasparov was asked whether a computer would be able to defeat a grandmaster >before the year 2000. "No way," he replied, "and if any grandmaster has >difficulties playing computers, I would be happy to provide my advice." > >Ten months after Kasparov's statement, in a major tournament held in Long Beach, >Calif., Grandmaster Bent Larsen, a former contender for the world title, was >defeated by a chess-playing machine we had designed in a graduate project at >Carnegie-Mellon University. The machine, a combination of software and >customized hardware called Deep Thought, won five other games, drew one and lost >one, tying Grandmaster Anthony Miles for first place. Because machines are >disqualified from winning money in tournaments, Miles pocketed the first prize >of $10,000. (Deep Thought nonetheless defeated Miles a year later in an >exhibition play-off match.) > > >Deep Thought > By the summer of 1990--by which time three of the original Deep Thought team >had joined IBM--Deep Thought had achieved a 50 percent score in 10 games played >under tournament con-ditions against grandmasters and an 86 percent score in 14 >games against international masters. Some of these games and dozens of others >against less distinguished opponents had been played under the auspices of the >U.S. Chess Federation, which used the results to derive a chess rating of 2552. >That rating indicates a playing strength in the bottom half of the grandmaster >range. An average tournament player, by contrast, is rated around 1500. In the >games played after August of 1988, when the computer reached its current >analytical speed of 750,000 positions per second, its performance rating >exceeded 2600. " > > >About chess chips: > >Post to CCC from Richard a Fowel 1998: > >Subject: Deep Blue article excerpts (IEEE Computer, Oct. > 1997) > > > [ Post Followup (without quoting) ] [ Post Followup (with quoting) ] [ >Frequently Asked Questions ] [ CCC Home Page ] > > >Posted by Richard A. Fowell ( on January 11, 1998 at 02:56:43: > >Since the perennial: >"how would Rebel/Hiarcs/etc. do if they had the same nps as Deep Blue" >topic is threatening to resurrect itself, it occurred to me that I >might not have posted this summary of a few nuggets of information >about Deep Blue's internals that were published in IEEE Computer >Magazine, Oct. 1997. >===================================================================== >Hamilton, Scott, and Garber, Lee, "Deep Blue's Hardware-Software >Synergy", > Computer, Oct. 1997, pp. 29-36. > >The 7-page article discusses Deep Blue's ASICs in some depth. >The article is based on interviews with Hsu and Campbell, and Campbell >reviewed early drafts, so hopefully the facts are mostly correct. > >Some tidbits: > >* The ASIC evaluation function recognizes roughly 6,000 features > in hardware. >* The weights of these features can be adjusted by the governing > software on every move (!) > ["Program software recomputes the evaluation coefficients after > each move, and downloads new values to the ASIC" > p.32, 3rd from last paragraph] >* "On-chip evaluation now comprises about two-thirds of the chip area" >* "the endgame heuristics and a few small endgame databases > are actually on the chip" >* The choice of weights was largely tuned manually with the aid of > visualization tools. >* The team believes that Deep Blue's evaluation function is now > superior to those of the top commercial programs. > (first para, page 32 - which also refers to single-chip matches > against other programs in "debugging mode") >* The ASICs are 1.7 million transistors in 0.6 micron technology. > > >Erkki
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