Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Fine 70 same 7 engines

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 21:37:18 09/07/01

Go up one level in this thread

On September 07, 2001 at 23:10:53, Peter McKenzie wrote:

>On September 07, 2001 at 22:08:27, Odd Gunnar Malin wrote:
>>I don't have his position but I have another 'quadrat position' like the Fine 70
>>with a not so obvious first move, well it is Kb1 but that must be a coincidence
>>[D]>>White wins. 1.Kb1!
>Are you sure?
>I ran it through LambChop, and the prefered move was switching between Kb1 and
>Kc2 with a score of around 0.4 for each move.  Then at depth 25 I got a fail
>high on Kc2, returning a score of 1.6.
>As I write, the same score has popped up for Kc2 at depth 26 too...
>>Odd Gunnar

I ran this thru crafty, and got early draw scores, followed by several fail
highs on Kb1.

By depth=25 my score was +1, by 27 it was +1.75.  and by depth 30 it was 3.69...


               30->  48.87   3.69   1. Kb1 Kb8 2. Kc1 Ka8 3. Kd1 Kb8 4.
                                    Ke1 Kb7 5. Ke2 Kc8 6. Kd3 Kd7 7. Kc4
                                    Kd8 8. Kxb4 Ke7 9. Ka5 Kf8 10. Ka6
                                    Ke7 11. Kb7 Kd7 12. b4 Kd8 13. Kxc6
                                    Kc8 14. d5 exd5 15. Kxd5 Kd7 16. b5

Kb1 seems to be the right move...

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