Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Nice Stalemate Trap by Tinker

Author: Dieter Buerssner

Date: 22:30:12 10/28/01

Tinker caught Yace in a nice stalemate trap.

[D] 7k/6R1/6R1/1r5P/6K1/8/8/8 b - - 0 55

Yace just captured on g7. It is easy to see for a human, but engines seem to
have problems with this. Yace got a nice fail low from +7.4 to draw score in the
next move. Do other engines see this immediately? With and without TBs (KRRKR
can help here). I have some stalemate detection code in quiescence search, which
is normally disabled. I enabled this again, in the hope, that this will make it
much faster. But with no success.

Here is the whole game:

[Event "Computer chess game 0 300 +3 0 0"]
[Site "ICC"]
[Date "2001.10.28"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Yace 0.99.57"]
[Black "Tinker"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2972"]
[BlackElo "2519"]
[ECO "B78"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Variation "Dragon, Yugoslav attack, 10.O-O-O"]
[Timecontrol "0 300 +3 0 0"]
[Time "Sun Oct 28 01:07:14 2001"]
[last_book_move "17. f5"]

1. e4 {0s} c5 {1s} 2. Nf3 {0s} d6 {2s} 3. d4 {0s} cxd4 {1s} 4. Nxd4 {0s} Nf6
{2s} 5. Nc3 {0s} g6 {2s} 6. Be3 {0s} Bg7 {2s} 7. f3 {0s} O-O {2s} 8. Qd2 {0s}
Nc6 {2s} 9. Bc4 {0s} Bd7 {2s} 10. O-O-O {0s} Rc8 {2s} 11. Bb3 {0s} Ne5 {2s}
12. h4 {0s} h5 {3s} 13. Bg5 {0s} Rc5 {2s} 14. g4 {0s} hxg4 {2s} 15. f4 {0s}
Nc4 {2s} 16. Qe2 {0s} b5 {2s} 17. f5 {0s} Qc8 {2s} 18. fxg6 {0.48/8 33s} a6
{2s} 19. gxf7+ {0.53/7 25s} Kxf7 {2s} 20. Bxc4+ {0.54/8 20s} Rxc4 {0s} 21.
Rhf1 {0.58/7 18s} Rxc3 {0s} 22. bxc3 {0.58/8 10s} Qxc3 {29s} 23. Qd3
{0.62/9 0s} Qxd3 {0s} 24. cxd3 {0.55/10 14s} Kg6 {0s} 25. Ne2 {0.77/9 14s} e5
{0s} 26. Kd2 {0.74/9 10s} d5 {9s} 27. Bxf6 {0.45/9 3s} Rxf6 {1s} 28. exd5
{0.50/10 7s} Rd6 {1s} 29. Nc3 {0.51/10 9s} b4 {16s} 30. Ne4 {0.44/11 0s} Rxd5
{9s} 31. h5+ {0.45/10 4s} Kh6 {0s} 32. Rf7 {0.49/11 11s} Be6 {0s} 33. Rc7
{1.13/10 13s} Bf5 {0s} 34. Rc6+ {1.15/10 7s} Kh7 {15s} 35. Ng5+ {1.17/10 0s}
Kg8 {5s} 36. Ke3 {1.17/10 3s} g3 {7s} 37. Rxa6 {1.67/9 1s} g2 {5s} 38. Ne4
{2.17/10 7s} b3 {0s} 39. axb3 {2.99/9 7s} Bxe4 {8s} 40. Kxe4 {3.67/11 4s} Rd4+
{5s} 41. Ke3 {3.73/12 7s} Rg4 {0s} 42. Rg1 {3.87/11 12s} Rg3+ {0s} 43. Ke4
{4.75/11 11s} Kh7 {15s} 44. Rg6 {4.75/12 0s} Rh3 {8s} 45. R1xg2 {4.77/11 3s}
Bh6 {8s} 46. Kxe5 {4.82/10 3s} Rxd3 {0s} 47. Rc2 {4.94/9 11s} Bg7+ {6s} 48.
Ke4 {4.97/10 5s} Rd4+ {5s} 49. Ke3 {5.12/11 1s} Rd7 {8s} 50. b4 {5.29/10 3s}
Re7+ {7s} 51. Kf3 {5.44/12 3s} Rf7+ {7s} 52. Kg4 {5.43/12 2s} Rb7 {0s} 53. b5
{5.76/11 11s} Rxb5 {0s} 54. Rc7 {7.45/12 9s} Kh8 {1s} 55. Rcxg7 {7.43/11 4s}
Rg5+ {7s} 56. Kf3 {0.00/18 1s} Rf5+ {0s} 57. Ke2 {0.00/21 6s} Re5+ {0s} 58.
Kd1 {0.00/23 8s} Rd5+ {6s} 59. Ke1 {0.00/24 4s} Re5+ {0s} 60. Kd1 {0.00/25 6s}
Rd5+ {7s} 61. Kc2 {0.00/25 3s} Rc5+ {0s} 62. Kd2 {0.00/26 10s} Rd5+ {0s} 63.
Ke3 {0.00/26 10s} Re5+ {0s} 64. Kd4 {0.00/26 9s} Rd5+ {5s} 65. Kxd5
{0.00/27 2s} 1/2-1/2 {Tinker stalemated}

Another nice curiosity from a game vs. Postmodernist

[D] 8/8/5kpp/8/2P5/K5P1/8/8 b - - 0 55

this is in the log file:

tellics kibitz Mate in 88
   1577584  16.181  Mat88 19u. 55...h5 56.c5 g5 57.Ka2 Ke6 58.Kb2 h4 59.Kb1 h3
                               60.Kc1 h2 61.Kd2 Kf6 62.c6 h1=Q 63.c7 Qg2+
                               64.Kd1 Qxg3 {EGTB} 65.c8=Q! Qe3! 66.Qd7! Ke5!
                               67.Qg4! Qf4! 68.Qd7! Qf3+! 69.Ke1! Kf4!
                               70.Qd6+! Kg4! 71.Qe6+ Kg3! 72.Qe5+! Qf4!
                               73.Qc3+! Kg2 74.Qb2+! Kh3! 75.Qb7! g4! 76.Qh7+!
                               Kg3! 77.Qd3+! Qf3! 78.Qd6+! Kg2! 79.Qd2+! Kg1!
                               80.Qd4+! Kh2! 81.Qb2+! Qg2! 82.Qh8+! Qh3!
                               83.Qb2+! Kh1! 84.Qb7+! Qg2! 85.Qh7+! Kg1!
                               86.Qa7+! Kh2! 87.Qh7+! Qh3! 88.Qc2+! Kg1!
                               89.Qc5+! Kh1! 90.Qc6+! Qg2! 91.Qh6+! Kg1!
                               92.Qb6+ Kh2! 93.Qh6+! Qh3! 94.Qd2+! Kh1!
                               95.Qd5+ Qg2! 96.Qh5+! Kg1! 97.Qc5+! Kh2!
                               98.Qh5+! Qh3! 99.Qg5 g3! 100.Qe5 Qg2 101.Qf5
                               Kg1! 102.Qe5 Qh2 103.Kd1! Qf2! 104.Qe7 Qd4+!
                               105.Ke1 g2! 106.Qh7! Qf2+! 107.Kd1 Qe3! 108.Qh8
                               Qe4! 109.Kd2! Kf2! 110.Qf6+! Kg3! 111.Qg5+!
                               Kh3! 112.Qh5+! Qh4! 113.Qf5+! Kh2! 114.Qe5+!
                               Kh1! 115.Qd5! Qg4! 116.Kc1! Qf4+ 117.Kb1! Qh4
                               118.Kc1 Qf6! 119.Kb1! Qc3! 120.Qh5+ Kg1!
                               121.Qe2! Qb4+! 122.Ka2! Qd4 123.Ka3! Qf4
                               124.Qd1+ Kf2 125.Qc2+! Kg3! 126.Qc5 Kf3!
                               127.Qc6+! Qe4! 128.Qf6+! Ke3! 129.Qh6+ Kf2!
                               130.Qh2! Qg4! 131.Ka2 Qb4! 132.Qh3 Qc4+
                               133.Kb2! g1=Q 134.Qf5+! Ke2 135.Qe5+! Qe3
                               136.Qh2+! Qf2 137.Qxf2+! Kxf2! 138.Kb1 Qb4+
                               139.Kc1 Qb3 140.Kd2 Qc4! 141.Kd1 Ke3! 142.Ke1
                               Qc1# {1001}

Of course the mate is much shorter, but it was nice to see this anyway.

[Event "Computer chess game 0 300 +3 0 0"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2001.10.29"]
[Round "12"]
[White "PostModernist"]
[Black "Yace 0.99.57"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2744"]
[BlackElo "2982"]
[ECO "D37"]
[Opening "QGD"]
[Variation "4.Nf3"]
[Timecontrol "0 300 +3 0 0"]
[Time "Mon Oct 29 02:19:16 2001"]
[last_book_move "10...exd5"]
[LogFile "logs\yace0317.log"]

1. d4 {0s} d5 {0s} 2. Nf3 {2s} Nf6 {0s} 3. c4 {2s} e6 {0s} 4. Nc3 {1s} Be7
{0s} 5. Bg5 {1s} h6 {0s} 6. Bxf6 {2s} Bxf6 {0s} 7. e3 {2s} O-O {0s} 8. Qc2
{2s} c5 {0s} 9. dxc5 {2s} Qa5 {0s} 10. cxd5 {2s} exd5 {0s} 11. O-O-O {2s} Bxc3
{-0.14/10 34s} 12. Qxc3 {2s} Qxc3+ {-0.06/11 24s} 13. bxc3 {2s} Be6
{-0.10/12 19s} 14. Nd4 {2s} Rc8 {-0.26/12 16s} 15. Nxe6 {2s} fxe6
{-0.38/11 12s} 16. e4 {2s} Nd7 {-0.39/11 10s} 17. exd5 {51s} Nxc5
{-0.56/11 0s} 18. f3 {0s} exd5 {-0.34/10 8s} 19. Rxd5 {9s} Na4 {-0.15/11 0s}
20. c4 {0s} Nb6 {-0.41/10 13s} 21. Rd4 {2s} Rc7 {-0.41/10 11s} 22. Kc2 {0s}
Rac8 {-0.48/11 13s} 23. Kb3 {1s} Nd7 {-0.52/10 11s} 24. f4 {0s} Nc5+
{-0.37/9 12s} 25. Kc2 {0s} Ne6 {-0.08/11 8s} 26. Re4 {14s} Nc5 {-0.23/11 0s}
27. Re1 {12s} Na4 {-0.40/9 0s} 28. Kb3 {0s} Nb6 {-0.38/10 8s} 29. Re4 {13s}
Nd7 {-0.47/10 0s} 30. Ka3 {11s} Nb6 {-0.49/10 0s} 31. Kb4 {11s} Rd8
{-0.73/9 0s} 32. Be2 {10s} Rd2 {-0.59/9 2s} 33. Kb3 {0s} Nd7 {-0.54/9 12s} 34.
Re8+ {5s} Kf7 {-0.15/10 7s} 35. Re3 {3s} Nc5+ {-0.34/9 8s} 36. Ka3 {4s} Rc6
{-0.34/9 7s} 37. Rd1 {29s} Rc2 {-0.44/9 0s} 38. Rd5 {10s} Ra6+ {-0.35/8 1s}
39. Kb4 {2s} Ne6 {-0.28/9 5s} 40. f5 {3s} Nf4 {-0.07/9 7s} 41. Rd7+ {5s} Kf6
{-0.26/9 3s} 42. Bf3 {8s} Raxa2 {-0.22/8 1s} 43. g3 {0s} Rab2+ {-0.04/8 7s}
44. Ka3 {0s} Ra2+ {-0.33/9 13s} 45. Kb3 {0s} Rcb2+ {0.00/8 10s} 46. Kc3 {1s}
Rxh2 {0.04/9 9s} 47. Rxb7 {16s} Ne2+ {0.12/9 0s} 48. Bxe2 {24s} Rhxe2
{0.04/12 0s} 49. Re6+ {9s} Rxe6 {0.01/12 1s} 50. fxe6 {9s} g6 {0.04/12 1s} 51.
e7 {13s} Re2 {0.00/13 0s} 52. Rxa7 {19s} Rxe7 {0.00/14 0s} 53. Ra3 {0s} Re3+
{6.65/13 6s} 54. Kb4 {10s} Rxa3 {9.39/14 0s} 55. Kxa3 {16s} h5 {+M88/18 4s}
56. Kb4 {0s} g5 {+M17/18 7s} 57. Kb5 {0s} h4 {+M16/19 10s} 58. g4 {4s} h3
{+M13/14 7s} 59. c5 {0s} h2 {+M11/13 10s} 60. c6 {0s}
0-1 {PostModernist resigns}

53. Rxe7 (and probably many more moves) would be draw.

For the opening experts. You may see how Yace calls the opening and the ECO
code. In my database I actually have

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3

for this name. Is it correct, to call it the same with the transposition of

Shredder 5 calls it D55 classical Queens gambit (my translation from the German
"klassisches Damengambit).


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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