Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Opening classification

Author: Simon Finn

Date: 01:36:52 10/29/01

Go up one level in this thread

On October 29, 2001 at 01:30:12, Dieter Buerssner wrote:


>[Event "Computer chess game 0 300 +3 0 0"]
>[Site "?"]
>[Date "2001.10.29"]
>[Round "12"]
>[White "PostModernist"]
>[Black "Yace 0.99.57"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[WhiteElo "2744"]
>[BlackElo "2982"]
>[ECO "D37"]
>[Opening "QGD"]
>[Variation "4.Nf3"]
>[Timecontrol "0 300 +3 0 0"]
>[Time "Mon Oct 29 02:19:16 2001"]
>[last_book_move "10...exd5"]
>[LogFile "logs\yace0317.log"]
>1. d4 {0s} d5 {0s} 2. Nf3 {2s} Nf6 {0s} 3. c4 {2s} e6 {0s} 4. Nc3 {1s} Be7
>{0s} 5. Bg5 {1s} h6 {0s} 6. Bxf6 {2s} Bxf6 {0s} 7. e3 {2s} O-O {0s} 8. Qc2
>{2s} c5 {0s} 9. dxc5 {2s} Qa5 {0s} 10. cxd5 {2s} exd5 {0s} 11. O-O-O {2s} Bxc3
>{-0.14/10 34s} 12. Qxc3 {2s} Qxc3+ {-0.06/11 24s} 13. bxc3 {2s} Be6
>{-0.10/12 19s} 14. Nd4 {2s} Rc8 {-0.26/12 16s} 15. Nxe6 {2s} fxe6
>{-0.38/11 12s} 16. e4 {2s} Nd7 {-0.39/11 10s} 17. exd5 {51s} Nxc5
>{-0.56/11 0s} 18. f3 {0s} exd5 {-0.34/10 8s} 19. Rxd5 {9s} Na4 {-0.15/11 0s}
>20. c4 {0s} Nb6 {-0.41/10 13s} 21. Rd4 {2s} Rc7 {-0.41/10 11s} 22. Kc2 {0s}
>Rac8 {-0.48/11 13s} 23. Kb3 {1s} Nd7 {-0.52/10 11s} 24. f4 {0s} Nc5+
>{-0.37/9 12s} 25. Kc2 {0s} Ne6 {-0.08/11 8s} 26. Re4 {14s} Nc5 {-0.23/11 0s}
>27. Re1 {12s} Na4 {-0.40/9 0s} 28. Kb3 {0s} Nb6 {-0.38/10 8s} 29. Re4 {13s}
>Nd7 {-0.47/10 0s} 30. Ka3 {11s} Nb6 {-0.49/10 0s} 31. Kb4 {11s} Rd8
>{-0.73/9 0s} 32. Be2 {10s} Rd2 {-0.59/9 2s} 33. Kb3 {0s} Nd7 {-0.54/9 12s} 34.
>Re8+ {5s} Kf7 {-0.15/10 7s} 35. Re3 {3s} Nc5+ {-0.34/9 8s} 36. Ka3 {4s} Rc6
>{-0.34/9 7s} 37. Rd1 {29s} Rc2 {-0.44/9 0s} 38. Rd5 {10s} Ra6+ {-0.35/8 1s}
>39. Kb4 {2s} Ne6 {-0.28/9 5s} 40. f5 {3s} Nf4 {-0.07/9 7s} 41. Rd7+ {5s} Kf6
>{-0.26/9 3s} 42. Bf3 {8s} Raxa2 {-0.22/8 1s} 43. g3 {0s} Rab2+ {-0.04/8 7s}
>44. Ka3 {0s} Ra2+ {-0.33/9 13s} 45. Kb3 {0s} Rcb2+ {0.00/8 10s} 46. Kc3 {1s}
>Rxh2 {0.04/9 9s} 47. Rxb7 {16s} Ne2+ {0.12/9 0s} 48. Bxe2 {24s} Rhxe2
>{0.04/12 0s} 49. Re6+ {9s} Rxe6 {0.01/12 1s} 50. fxe6 {9s} g6 {0.04/12 1s} 51.
>e7 {13s} Re2 {0.00/13 0s} 52. Rxa7 {19s} Rxe7 {0.00/14 0s} 53. Ra3 {0s} Re3+
>{6.65/13 6s} 54. Kb4 {10s} Rxa3 {9.39/14 0s} 55. Kxa3 {16s} h5 {+M88/18 4s}
>56. Kb4 {0s} g5 {+M17/18 7s} 57. Kb5 {0s} h4 {+M16/19 10s} 58. g4 {4s} h3
>{+M13/14 7s} 59. c5 {0s} h2 {+M11/13 10s} 60. c6 {0s}
>0-1 {PostModernist resigns}
>53. Rxe7 (and probably many more moves) would be draw.
>For the opening experts. You may see how Yace calls the opening and the ECO
>code. In my database I actually have
>1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nf3
>for this name. Is it correct, to call it the same with the transposition of

Yes - I would classify the position after White's 4th move as D37.

>Shredder 5 calls it D55 classical Queens gambit (my translation from the German
>"klassisches Damengambit).

After White's 5th move, the position has transposed into D55.
(The entry in D37 in my - first edition - of ECO just says
"5. Bg5 - D55".)

I think that it is normal (and most useful) to classify games by the
ECO code of the last recognisable position, so I would say that
Shredder is correct here.



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