Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Okay, here it is: What is a rabbit?

Author: Jeroen Noomen

Date: 01:04:03 10/29/01

Go up one level in this thread

On October 28, 2001 at 18:46:24, Bas Hamstra wrote:

Hi guys,

Funny to read that everyone is wondering what 'a rabbit' means in chess! In the
first place I should explain that in the human chess world (I mean amongst club
players, not the really strong guys) it is usual to come up with nice terms for
some specific position. It is like 'student talk': They also come up with very
new words or meanings of words.

What is a rabbit? Well, in the game Tao-The King the white program saw a way of
winning a pawn: It took the black pawn on h7 with a knight. After black's f7-f6
though, the knight cannot move anymore and it will be lost. In Apeldoorn chess
clubs we refer to such knights as 'a rabbit'. Why? Well, it jumped in a hole
(which is h7), from where it cannot escape. And rabbits are fond of jumping in
holes, even when it is not such a good idea.

Remember the term 'an octopus', which is a knight on d6 (for white). Why an
octopus? Because it is attacking 8 squares in enemy position, like 8 tentacles!
Since then animal names seem to be rather popular.


>>'Ik wil gewoon mijn konijn op h7 krijgen'
>>(I just want to get my rabbit on h7)
>I think really think we need a crystal clear definition of the rabbit concept.
>Please Jeroen, it's really urgent, I want fix my rabbit hole before next

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