Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: First weekend in Leiden - Testpositions and 2 quotes

Author: Bas Hamstra

Date: 15:46:24 10/28/01

Go up one level in this thread

On October 28, 2001 at 18:06:34, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

>[D]r1b1r1k1/5pbp/p1pQ1np1/q3n3/2pBP3/2N2P2/PP4PP/1KNR1B1R w - - 0 15
>Sjeng played b4, which loses. How long to avoid it, and how long
>to see it loses?
>[D]4r1k1/1pr4p/p2p1qp1/P1nP3n/1RN1P3/2N2p2/2Q2PPP/1R4K1 w - - 0 26
>Sjeng played Rb6 and lost. How long to see it loses/avoid it?
>Me and Tony were thinking that g3 would lose for white, but it
>does seem to be the best move, and perhaps doesn't lose at all.
>The two quotes:
>Mathias Feist (he was watching as I analyzed the first position
>with Fritz 7 and Crafty 18.12)
>'Crafty can count the material very well'
>Johan De Koning:
>'Ik wil gewoon mijn konijn op h7 krijgen'
>(I just want to get my rabbit on h7)

I think really think we need a crystal clear definition of the rabbit concept.
Please Jeroen, it's really urgent, I want fix my rabbit hole before next


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