Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: First weekend in Leiden - Testpositions and 2 quotes

Author: Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Date: 15:06:34 10/28/01

[D]r1b1r1k1/5pbp/p1pQ1np1/q3n3/2pBP3/2N2P2/PP4PP/1KNR1B1R w - - 0 15

Sjeng played b4, which loses. How long to avoid it, and how long
to see it loses?

[D]4r1k1/1pr4p/p2p1qp1/P1nP3n/1RN1P3/2N2p2/2Q2PPP/1R4K1 w - - 0 26

Sjeng played Rb6 and lost. How long to see it loses/avoid it?
Me and Tony were thinking that g3 would lose for white, but it
does seem to be the best move, and perhaps doesn't lose at all.

The two quotes:

Mathias Feist (he was watching as I analyzed the first position
with Fritz 7 and Crafty 18.12)

'Crafty can count the material very well'

Johan De Koning:

'Ik wil gewoon mijn konijn op h7 krijgen'

(I just want to get my rabbit on h7)


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