Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ICC match: DuongThanh vs Leila

Author: Carmelo Calzerano

Date: 04:18:57 12/22/01

Go up one level in this thread

On December 21, 2001 at 16:11:18, Jason Williamson wrote:

>On December 21, 2001 at 12:51:59, Carmelo Calzerano wrote:
>>On December 21, 2001 at 05:23:50, Will Singleton wrote:
>>>Thanh Nha Duong (IM) just played 43 straight games of 3 2 blitz vs Leila
>>>(squirtle) on ICC.  The first game started at 00:41 server time, and the match
>>>ended at 04:43.  Four hours of continuous blitz chess against a strong program
>>>running on an AMD 1900+.
>>>Results:  Leila 29 wins, 10 losses, 4 draws.
>>>Start rating: Leila 2772  DuongThanh 2259
>>>End Rating:   Leila 2597  DuongThanh 2434
>>>DT played anti-computer chess, winning with a combination of blocked positions
>>>and kside attacks.  Leila didn't quite know how to counter.
>>>Quite interesting.  I think other top amateurs would do better than Leila here.
>>>Something for her author to work on.
>>You are right, definitely.
>>Leila has no anti-human code at all; moreover, it uses a very
>>poor (and perhaps buggy) kingsafety evaluation. There is a lot
>>of room for improvements here ;-)
>>If you have the games against DuongThanh or other strong human
>>players, please send me. It's the first match Leila played against
>>an IM AFAIK, since it has only been tested against programs; and
>>I'm sure I will find tons of useful info.
>To get the games merly log on to the ICC and type search squirtle DuongThanh
>This will return all 43 games which you can look at online or have the ICC mail
>to you in PGN format.  Sadly you will need to manually mail each one though :).

Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunately I have no ICC account at the moment, so probably I'll have to
manually c&p the games somewhere instead :-)


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