Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ICC match: DuongThanh vs Leila

Author: Dieter Buerssner

Date: 07:16:13 12/22/01

Go up one level in this thread

On December 22, 2001 at 07:18:57, Carmelo Calzerano wrote:

>On December 21, 2001 at 16:11:18, Jason Williamson wrote:
>>To get the games merly log on to the ICC and type search squirtle DuongThanh
>>This will return all 43 games which you can look at online or have the ICC mail
>>to you in PGN format.  Sadly you will need to manually mail each one though :).
>Thanks for the tip.
>Unfortunately I have no ICC account at the moment, so probably I'll have to
>manually c&p the games somewhere instead :-)

I am in the same situation as you. You can download games as guest with Blitzin,
when they are still in the 20 games history. Just rightclick with the mouse on
the game and choose "Save PGN". If you select a filename already existing, the
PGN will be appended. For games not in the history, I know of no possibibility
to download them as a guest.


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