Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Explosion in WAC 102

Author: David Rasmussen

Date: 09:52:29 01/11/02

Go up one level in this thread

On January 11, 2002 at 12:10:32, Martin Giepmans wrote:

>I don't know if I understand your question.
>How can you reach depth 8 when a mate is found at depth 1 or 2?
>Doesn't your engine stop in such a case?

Yes, normally, but not in a test suite.

>Even if you want to look for a shorter mate, searching *deeper* is of course
>useless ...

I am not using for a shorter mate, I am just letting it search, to see how it
performs. Forget that this is a mate position. It is just a test position to
test extensions and search rules. In my case search explodes at higher depths

>Anyway, if the search explodes after a mate is found, I guess there must also be
>something wrong with the hashtable.

Why? Even if the mate is in the hashtable, other moves are still followed deeper
with each iteration. And with extensions, some of these lines could be extended
very long, if I am not careful. And this is what happens. I don't see why that
implies a hash table problem. The hash table wont fix bad extensions.


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