Author: David Rasmussen
Date: 09:52:29 01/11/02
Go up one level in this thread
On January 11, 2002 at 12:10:32, Martin Giepmans wrote: > >I don't know if I understand your question. >How can you reach depth 8 when a mate is found at depth 1 or 2? >Doesn't your engine stop in such a case? Yes, normally, but not in a test suite. >Even if you want to look for a shorter mate, searching *deeper* is of course >useless ... I am not using for a shorter mate, I am just letting it search, to see how it performs. Forget that this is a mate position. It is just a test position to test extensions and search rules. In my case search explodes at higher depths (>7). >Anyway, if the search explodes after a mate is found, I guess there must also be >something wrong with the hashtable. > Why? Even if the mate is in the hashtable, other moves are still followed deeper with each iteration. And with extensions, some of these lines could be extended very long, if I am not careful. And this is what happens. I don't see why that implies a hash table problem. The hash table wont fix bad extensions. /David
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