Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 16:23:23 01/21/02
Go up one level in this thread
On January 21, 2002 at 18:36:28, David Rasmussen wrote: >On January 21, 2002 at 17:32:39, Dann Corbit wrote: > >>On January 21, 2002 at 16:36:45, Dann Corbit wrote: >> >>>On January 21, 2002 at 16:00:18, K. Burcham wrote: >>> >>>> >>>>the wrong move is 62...Kd5 >>> >>>What is the line to draw or lose for black? >>> >>>Here is the position after moving Kd5 and analysis by Chess Tiger: >>> >>>[D]8/1R5P/8/p2k4/4pK2/2p5/8/7r w - - ce -348; acd 15; acs 1; pv Rf7 a4 Rc7 Rh6 >>>Kg5 Rxh7 Rxh7 e3 Rd7+ Ke4 Re7+ Kf3 Rf7+ Kg2 Kh4 e2 Re7 Kf2 Rf7+;|Rb7f7 >> >>Consider: >>8/1R5P/8/p2k4/4pK2/2p5/8/7r w - - pv Rb5+ Kc4 Rb7 a4 Rc7+ Kd3 Rd7+ Kc2 Ke3 a3 >>Ra7 Kd1 Kf2 e3+ Kf3 a2 Rd7+ Ke1 Rg7; >> >>After which, we have this analysis: >> 43757045 1:58.9 -18.69 13u. 10.Rg7 a1=Q 11.h8=Q Qd1+ 12.Kxe3 Qd2+ 13.Ke4 >> Rxh8 14.Rg1+ Ke2 15.Rg2+ Kf1 16.Rg3 c2 17.Rf3+ >> Ke1 18.Kf5 c1=Q 19.Kg6 {-2002} >> >>Is there a way for white to wiggle out of it? > >So you're saying that I shouldn't have taken the draw? Actually, I just looked >at Sjengs scores, and when they went from -3 to 0.00 and I new it had >tablebases, I agreed to draw after 5 moves or so. Was that a mistake? If it was, >I will spank myself... No, I misunderstood the statement: 'The wrong move is Kd5' since I applied it towards the original position, not what happened later. I don't know about your game as far as what went on past the original analysis request position and one ply forward from there.
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