Author: K. Burcham
Date: 19:05:39 01/21/02
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here black is up 11.22 and still climbing [D] 8/r7/8/p2k4/R3p1K1/8/8/8 b - - 0 1 Analysis by Deep Fritz: 5...Kc5! -+ (-5.41) Depth: 21/37 00:01:54 63547kN, tb=113950 5...Kc5! 6.Kf4 Kb5 7.Ra1 a4 8.Ke3 a3 9.Kd4 a2 10.Ke3 -+ (-6.22) Depth: 21/37 00:03:22 109187kN, tb=172789 5...Kc5! -+ (-6.53) Depth: 22/37 00:05:07 167219kN, tb=250867 5...Kc5! 6.Kf4 Kb5 7.Ra1 a4 8.Ke3 a3 9.Rb1+ Kc4 10.Rc1+ Kb3 11.Rb1+ -+ (-10.91) Depth: 22/40 00:10:17 366734kN, tb=355327 5...Kc5! -+ (-11.22) Depth: 23/43 00:16:23 580604kN, tb=523799 here after black plays 67...Ke5 [D] 8/r7/8/p3k3/R3p1K1/8/8/8 w - - 0 1 Analysis by Deep Fritz: 6.Kg3! -+ (-2.00) Depth: 19/27 00:00:24 9429kN, tb=27204 6.Kg3! -+ (-1.69) Depth: 20/30 00:00:37 17284kN, tb=45152 6.Kg3! Ra8 7.Kf2 Kd5 8.Ke3 Kc5 9.Kxe4 = (0.00) Depth: 20/30 00:00:40 19233kN, tb=50886 6.Kg3 Ra8 7.Kf2 Kd5 8.Ke3 Kc5 9.Kxe4 = (0.00) Depth: 21/30 00:00:49 24860kN, tb=67059 6.Kg3 Ra8 7.Kf2 Kd5 8.Ke3 Kc5 9.Kxe4 = (0.00) Depth: 22/31 00:01:07 36874kN, tb=91627 6.Kg3 Ra8 7.Kf2 Kd5 8.Ke3 Kc5 9.Kxe4 = (0.00) Depth: 23/36 00:01:44 62221kN, tb=136640 6.Kg3 Ra8 7.Kf2 Kd5 8.Ke3 Kc5 9.Kxe4 = (0.00) Depth: 24/35 00:03:00 116443kN, tb=218937 kburcham
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