Author: Thomas Mayer
Date: 13:36:23 01/29/02
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Hi Roy, >>Wow, Fritz 7b is blind to this one. It does not see in advance that 37...Nxe5 >>is good for Black (it thinks Black is down more than 3 pawns). Must be >>null-move / zugzwang, right? > > >To be more specific, in the following position Black can play ...Re6 and be in >very good shape (certainly not behind). However, Fritz 7b evaluates this >position as being better for White by about 5 pawns: > >[d] 8/8/1p1r1k2/p1pRN1p1/P3K1P1/1P6/8/8 b - - 0 2 strange... Quark fully disagrees and thinks that black is little bit better... Analysis by Quark 1.68alpha: 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-d3 Re6xe5 3.Rd5-d6+ Re5-e6 4.Rd6xe6+ Kf6xe6 5.Kd3-e4 Ke6-f6 6.Ke4-d5 Kf6-e7 7.Kd5-c6 c5-c4 8.b3xc4 = (-0.20) Depth: 12 00:00:00 300kN 1...Rd6-e6 ³ (-0.50) Depth: 13 00:00:01 469kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-f3 Re6xe5 3.Rd5-d6+ Re5-e6 4.Rd6xe6+ Kf6xe6 5.Kf3-e4 Ke6-d6 6.Ke4-f5 b6-b5 7.Kf5xg5 c5-c4 8.Kg5-f4 c4xb3 ³ (-0.53) Depth: 13 00:00:02 1286kN 1...Rd6-e6 µ (-0.83) Depth: 14 00:00:03 1958kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-d3 Re6xe5 3.Rd5-d8 Kf6-e7 4.Rd8-b8 Re5-d5+ 5.Kd3-c3 Rd5-d6 6.Rb8-b7+ Ke7-f8 7.Kc3-c4 Rd6-d4+ 8.Kc4-c3 Rd4-b4 9.Kc3-c2 Rb4xg4 µ (-1.18) Depth: 14 00:00:06 3984kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Rd5-d8 Re6xe5+ 3.Ke4-d3 Re5-e6 4.Rd8-f8+ Kf6-e7 5.Rf8-f5 Re6-d6+ 6.Kd3-c3 Rd6-g6 7.Kc3-c4 Ke7-d7 8.Kc4-b5 Kd7-e8 9.Kb5-c4 Ke8-e7 10.Rf5-f1 µ (-1.17) Depth: 15 00:00:14 8554kN 1...Rd6-e6 µ (-0.87) Depth: 16 00:00:22 12958kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-d3 Re6xe5 3.Kd3-c4 Re5-e4+ 4.Kc4-d3 Re4xg4 5.Rd5-d6+ Kf6-e5 6.Rd6xb6 Rg4-d4+ 7.Kd3-c3 g5-g4 8.Rb6-g6 Ke5-f4 9.Rg6-f6+ Kf4-e4 10.Rf6-a6 Ke4-d5 11.Kc3-c2 µ (-0.87) Depth: 16 00:00:25 15032kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-d3 Re6xe5 3.Kd3-c4 Re5-e4+ 4.Kc4-c3 Re4xg4 5.Rd5-d6+ Kf6-e5 6.Rd6xb6 Rg4-d4 7.Rb6-a6 g5-g4 8.Ra6xa5 Rd4-d5 9.Ra5-a8 g4-g3 10.Ra8-e8+ Ke5-f4 11.a4-a5 µ (-0.86) Depth: 17 00:00:32 18147kN 1...Rd6-e6 ³ (-0.56) Depth: 18 00:00:43 22327kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-d3 Re6xe5 3.Rd5-d6+ Re5-e6 4.Rd6-d5 Kf6-g6 5.Kd3-c4 Re6-e4+ 6.Kc4-c3 Re4xg4 7.Rd5-d6+ Kg6-f5 8.Rd6xb6 µ (-0.88) Depth: 18 00:00:49 26183kN 1...Rd6-e6 ³ (-0.58) Depth: 19 00:01:05 34223kN 1...Rd6-e6 2.Ke4-d3 Re6xe5 3.Rd5-d6+ Re5-e6 4.Rd6-d5 Kf6-g6 5.Kd3-c3 Re6-f6 6.Rd5-d8 Kg6-h6 7.Kc3-c4 Rf6-f4+ 8.Kc4-c3 Rf4-f3+ 9.Rd8-d3 Rf3-f6 10.Rd3-d7 Rf6-e6 11.Kc3-c4 Re6-e4+ 12.Kc4-c3 b6-b5 µ (-0.73) Depth: 19 00:01:16 40171kN Greets, Thomas
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