Author: Albert Silver
Date: 14:42:06 03/06/02
Go up one level in this thread
>The program wasn't written by the Spracklens, someone else maybee remember who >was the programmer. I looked it up on Kurt's wonderful site on tabletop chess computers at It states the author was R. C. Nelson Albert > They began with Sargon1 for TRS-80. >> >>the search went from ply 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5. >> >>todays chess program make a one ply search, than they make a 2 ply search. >>than they make a 3 ply search. as far as i know. >> >>the best thing is the display that it computes. > >It was able to solve most but not all mate in 2 and a few mate in 3! > >Bertil
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