Author: Rich Van Gaasbeck
Date: 11:26:13 03/08/02
Thank you to all that responded regarding CC7's search depths. I think I have the right values now. The only ones I'm not sure about are CL3 and CL6. Both are 5 ply. I'm not sure if two full plus three selective should be more or less time that three full plus two selective. The level names and times are directly from the manual (so at least these are correct). Some posters gave a different order for the various strengths. Perhaps there are different revisions of the CC7 or the levels were ordered differently in different countries. Mine is a Chess Challenger 7 Model BCC, USA version. CL1: Intermediate 5s two full width ply CL2: Experienced 15s three full width ply CL3: Advanced 1:20m two full, then three selective CL4: Mate in 2 20m four full width ply CL5: Postal Chess 24h five full width CL6: Excellent 6m three full width, then two selective CL7: Tournament 3m three full width, then one selective Do all the search depths seem right, especially search depths for levels 3 and 6? Rich
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