Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Strength of the engine in chess programs

Author: Albert Silver

Date: 16:12:36 05/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 20, 2002 at 18:44:33, Rolf Tueschen wrote:

>>It just shows what clods humans can be. Not only did it take 30 years for
>>someone to get the idea of ...c6 but it was only because the fantastic idea of
>>9...d5! had already been show to them.
>You will say it's circles or a merry-go-round but I will prove you the fallacy
>in your perception. BTW I like your contributions more and more. Now, after
>having assumed that I had insulted you, what was not the case,

I choose not to argue this ad nauseaum, but yes, you did, and on more than one

>you talk this way
>about other human beings. Justified or not, this is the question. I say no, not
>Simply because you miss the most important point in chess. That's why we can't
>compare chess with science.
>Because other than in science in chess nobody is forced to give away his
>secrets. He might wait decades before he opens his books...

So when dozens of top players began playing it they had ALL been secretly
holding onto ...c6 for 30 years. I say all because if only one player found it,
then all others are only copying him. Since it was then played by many players,
they must all have been keeping it a secret for some 30 years. Well.... some
less since they weren't all 30 years-old yet.

>>Your theory that no one serious looked at
>>it for 30 years is one I do not believe in.
>Strange because you say that you are teaching chess... not looking but talking.

I didn't understand what you meant with looking and not talking.

>>As I said, I contend that had they known nothing about the openings they play,
>>there are MANY moves and lines top players would most likely not find on their
>>own. They are using and building on the knowledge of others.
>Yes, of course. But your first sentence is false. A GM will find what he wants
>to find. In principal!

If you really believe that a GM could find all of theory on their own with no
prior knowledge then I think you overestimate their ability somewhat. When a
brilliant new move or line is discovered, it isn't because no one had seriously
analyzed that position before the analyst who discovered it, it is simply
because no one had the idea.

>Albert, let's stop here, because you won't support computers in human chess
>tournaments anyway. Just spend a little thinking about those who can't compete
>themselves and who therefore would like that their machines would participate.

Ex: "Hi, I can't compete in this 5000 meter race myself, so is it ok if I have
my automatic motorbike participate instead? I can set it to not go over 25 km/h
if you like..."


>It's always a question of dimensions, so to speak, perhaps I'm too far away in
>other dimensions, and therefore some few here think it should be enough. Perhaps
>I am too creative which often causes a lot of angst. Sigh.
>Rolf Tueschen
>P.S. I'm happy now.

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