Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Strength of the engine in chess programs

Author: Albert Silver

Date: 17:56:17 05/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 20, 2002 at 14:59:57, Uri Blass wrote:

>I think that if enough money is going to be reserved for that task the 2350
>human players will learn about chess and become 2500 players.
>I believe that most 2350 players can become 2500 players in one year if it is
>really important for them.

With all due respect, I think you're wrong. I know plenty of players rated
between 2350 and 2450 who have tried (and try) VERY HARD to become 2500 players
and not succeeded. I cannot comment on the methodology, but I can assure you
that failure hasn't been due to a lack of trying. These are players who also
make a living off of chess BTW, though mostly through classes, etc.


>The problem is that they know that they cannot live from being 2500 players and
>they prefer not to work hard in order to be 2500.
> I am not gambling with you when I just choose 2350 to get you in
>>some discussions. I discuss the topic having the standards of computerchess in
>>mind and its destiny. The number is _not_ the actual reality! It's the potential
>Humans have potential to be better players against everyone and not only against

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