Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Strength of the engine in chess programs

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 10:06:00 05/25/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 24, 2002 at 11:42:21, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On May 24, 2002 at 08:31:59, Rolf Tueschen wrote:
>>We have two open issues.
>>1. My question about the first game in '97. Why Kasparov couldn't repeat his
>>dominating play against DB2? Was a general question about the apparent twist in
>>the match after the first game. BTW the mistakes of the machine were widely
>>analyzed and "accepted", as far as game 1 is concerned. Could you comment on the
>>mistakes, the twist and their reasons?
>I still don't understand the question.  Kasparov won game one, in what I
>consider to be a _very_ lucky manner.  He lost an exchange.  He just happened
>to end up with a couple of passed pawns that were not stoppable over time.  I
>am not sure he planned on that happening, but it did.  He didn't try to repeat
>game one again.  In game two the colors were switched.  In game 3 he tried a
>different opening.
>So I don't know what you mean by "why kasparov couldn't repeat his
>dominating play against DB2?"  I don't see where he tried...

I was just asking for your opinion about the world-wide accepted judgement that
DB2 played mistakes over and over in game one. Consequence the domination by
GKasparov. My question was not in regard to the opening but to the strategical
play of Kasparov. But if you see no rational in the question, we could let it
drop. I was just interested.

>>2. The Eduard Nemeth bet. Ok, fine. I talked to him via chat and he says he
>>wants 30 minutes games. But since he hasn't really understood yet our debate
>>here, he tought that it was a challenge from your side out of the blue, and his
>>first question was "how much money for each point". Well, I promissed him 200 ?
>>(euro) from _my_ side, but explained that 10 game only wouldn't be enough, it
>>should be about 20 or 30 games overall. Could you please comment a little bit
>>from your knowledge about similar "bets" on ICC and the probable outcome? I mean
>>would you say that GM Roman would win 1 pt. pro 10 games trivially or is that
>>already difficult for him in 30' games?
>Roman would _definitely_ win one of every 10 games.  Against _any_ program.
>And that would be a lower bound.  I would suspect he would win at least
>4 and perhaps do better depending on how well his opponent was able to avoid
>the kinds of positions Roman is good at setting up.

Are you talking about 30' rapids? I didn't find too much other than Bullet and
Blitz in you very good database.

>>Another technical problem was for Eduard, who never played on ICC, that he
>>thinks he could only play on the new FRITZ server. Well, what is your opinion to
>>the technical problems. Could it be made possible to connect the two servers for
>>the little event? Or would you also say, what I have told Eduard, that the two
>>servers are probably similar for the players. Ahm, I remember, Fritz server has
>>a direct connection between the players, where you know exactly how long the
>>delay and stuff like this. Please give us your judgement, it could be
>>interesting for many potential players from Europe.
>He can easily download a windows version of winboard, install it, and
>connect to ICC instantly.  It is very easy to set up and run.  There are
>other ICC clients as well...   zics, blitzen, you-name-it...
>He can log in as a guest to avoid joining, or he could do the free-week deal
>with no cost...

Yes. Please give me another cople of weeks for Eduard, who is in a personal
vacation actually. It seems to be easier to intrumentalize GMRoman than our
Eduard. I did it for him besides my scientifical interest, but he is thinking
that you are the basic challenger for him. :)

>>And to the chess results, would you mind giving a border line, Eduard in your
>>opinion could not overstep, e.g. 2 pts. or something? Final question, and please
>>just for the German player who gives so much heart blood into computerchess,
>>what could be the prospects for someone like Eduard (understood that he might
>>even win 3 pts/10 games) in the world of CC?
>>Thanks a lot for your answers
>>Rolf Tueschen
>What is Edward's FIDE (or equivalent) rating?  If he is (say) 2150, then I
>would be surprised if he won two games, or if he drew four.  Or any combination
>to produce 2 points in 10 games.

Yes, he has about 2150 on a national level. Perhaps it's also interesting you
that Eduard did not present so many victories about Crafty than about Fritz. So
it might well be that certain things are not that easy against your prodigy.

>I don't think computers are "magic" in any way.  But a 2100-level player, while
>able to win a game here and there, is going to be hard-pressed to win a single
>game against a reasonable computer opponent.  I am, of course, curious whether
>he can actually do so or not, from an academic point of view...

For Eduard it's more a question of honour right now against your challenge.
Well, I'll keep you informed if I hear something new after the delay. Could you
in return inform me about a special historical event at ICC, where some
anononymous player "mercilious" did win some games in a row with a special trick
and who was banned for that (?) reason by ICC? So, basically it's not supported
if human players try such gambling? I have thus far read the news in Tim Krabbé.

Rolf Tueschen

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