Author: Ulrich Tuerke
Date: 05:12:13 08/01/02
Go up one level in this thread
> >I think that comes from AlphaBeta, where it is enough to be lower than >bestvalue, no interest in "how much", am I right? That's correct. Alpha-beta gives for the best only an exact score; the remaining values are upper bounds. > >I there a poosibility to get a better Value at the root node for secondbest move >with a specific searchdepth? In order to get exact values, you in principle have to switch off alpa-beta at ply 1. But that's too expensive in terms of search tree sizes. > >while iterative deepening at the root node (for distance := 1 to >SearchDepth...) I want to ask something like this: > >IF (distance = 7) AND (BestValue < SecondBestValue+3*PawnValue) THEN dont waste >to much time in thinking... > >But as I described, even if there is only 1 possibility to recapture a queen the >values are close together, for exaple 900, 897, 995 ... > >any Ideas? I do a pure minmax search at iteration #1. So, I get exact values at this level. These values - combined with other criteria - are some measure whether the best move is "an easy one". Uli > >Bye > >Martin
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