Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Exact value of second best move in AlphaBeta with aspiration Window

Author: Martin Bauer

Date: 16:40:17 08/01/02

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On August 01, 2002 at 08:12:13, Ulrich Tuerke wrote:

>In order to get exact values, you in principle have to switch off alpa-beta at
>ply 1. But that's too expensive in terms of search tree sizes.

Ok, thank you and all other people, who replyed to my question. I see it is not
so easy, I have to spend some extra work and be careful, that it does not waste
too much time.

I dont want to trust the values at depth 1, because that is not a good look

>I do a pure minmax search at iteration #1. So, I get exact values at this level.
>These values - combined with other criteria - are some measure whether the best
>move is "an easy one".

What about this Situation: I can recapture the queen in 1, but there also is a 7
move combination that wins two rooks. So a 1 ply search would say "easy move"
because it only sees the recapture of the queen. But in truth there is a
slightly better move that wins 2 rooks, what gives a little bit better value in
my program and I think in most others, too.

if I half the search time in a 1min bullet game, I may be blind for the better 7
move combination, because of the reduced time. That is the reason, why I want to
ask for the difference of the two best moves with values resulting from depth 7.
Can ply 1 + some extra things replace ply 7. Or do I worry about things that
doesn't matter in practice? On what depends searching more or less in top



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