Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Hello from Edmonton (and on Temporal Differences)

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 08:47:01 08/04/02

Go up one level in this thread

On August 04, 2002 at 09:13:31, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:

>On August 01, 2002 at 05:16:55, Sune Fischer wrote:
>We must not think too simple about autotuning. It is a complicated
>matter. Yet the obvious thing is that the autotuner has no domain specific
>So suppose that someone *manages* to find a good way of tuning.
>Even the simple evaluation of deep blue, which had about a few tens
>of patterns and each pattern indexed by an array or so from 64.
>We talk about 5000 adjustable patterns (i like round numbers good) or
>so for an average program.
>to tune that in the incredible good
>  O (n log n) that's like (using 2 log)
>==> 5000 x 12 = 60000 operations.
>Each operation consists of playing a game or 250 at auto player.
>No commercial program ever managed to improve by playing blitz...
>250 games x 60000 = 15 000 000 games.
>Get the problem of learning slowly?

No, TDLeaf is a steepest descent algorithm, if it works it will go much faster
because it's going directly against the gradient.
I'm not saying it will be easy, or that it won't require a large number of
games, but I believe its potential is greater than what is humanly possible.

>Now we talk about a simple thing called chess, just 64 squares.
>If i autotune something to drive my car there are a zillion parameters
>to tune ;)

Yes, but you tune them _all at once_ so it's really not that bad :)


>>On July 31, 2002 at 18:10:08, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:
>>>And he'll never do a competative chessprogram again either, he forgot to
>>>add that too.
>>It's the classic problem. Person A has spent 15 years on his chessprogram, he
>>thinks he knows it all. In from the right comes a guy who knows nothing about
>>chess programming but is very good a tuning weights in general. He applies his
>>knowledge to a simple chess program and is very successful in increasing it's
>>Person A now concludes; "his method isn't working, his program is still weaker
>>than mine":)
>>>I remember Knightcap very well. TD learning had the habit to slowly
>>>make it more aggressive until it was giving away a piece for 1 pawn and
>>>a check.
>>>Then of course the 'brain was cleared' and experiment restarted.
>>>So in short the longer the program used the TD learning the worse it
>>>would play, from my viewpoint.
>>>Definitely from a chessplayers viewpoint it did. Of course we must not
>>>forget that in the time it played online, that nearly no program was
>>>very aggressive. So doing a few patzer moves was a good way to get from
>>>perhaps scoring 11% to 12% or so.
>>So in other words, if you teach it the wrong things it doesn't work?
>>Why am I not surprised.

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