Author: pavel
Date: 10:18:26 10/12/02
Go up one level in this thread
Love this: "The Odyssey tournament is conducted by a notorious psychopath, perfectly discredited in the field of computer chess. Ask the SSDF about him and about his tourney." and this... "Sent by Vincent Diepeveen Hello Raymond, I understand there is a computer-machine event. My program DIEP is a parallel program, running on n processors, and a very strong program. Tactical at the moment probably strongest in the world with loads of chess knowledge, which is the basic difference between Fritz and my program. Hard work has been done at it. I plan to get world champion (in computer chess) real soon with it. This won’t be a major problem as this is a new generation of program: the same advantages as Fritz/deep blue had combined with more knowledge. The reason is easy. I am 2284 FIDE rated myself and work fulltime at DIEP nowadays. At AEGON 1997 my program was confused a lot with Deep Blue. Though names look very similar, it is not deep blue. it is better, but commercially seen that is very cool as the average watcher will think a player plays against deep blue :) I would like to know how to join your man-machine event! Friendly greetings, Vincent" Hilarious! ;) pavs
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