Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Dirk Frickenschmidt

Date: 14:42:58 09/17/98

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On September 17, 1998 at 16:51:18, Thorsten Czub wrote:

>"interesting" is IMO that you feel the need to quote this here, even to
>translate this rubbish interview stuff here.
>there is NO excuse for the nunn-test.

First funny remark.
For what in heaven should the Nunn-test be excused at all???

Could you please hint to any even remotely debatable *content* for claiming

Any chess judgement on the Nunn positions?

Any anything?

Or do you just think the fact that Frederic Friedel knows John Nunn since many
years is any kind of argument by itself???
At least in conncection with your personal suspicion???

>the nunn test was, so says css itself, done by nunn for css.
>he has done it specially for his friend frederic.

If I understood it roight Frederic Friedel then wanted a test with a
representative set of opening positions for testgames, without book and cooking

I want that too.
The Nunn test was John Nunn's proposal for doing this.
There may be other proposals.
The Nunn test may be imbalanced. If anyone proves it to be so.

So what???
Does your suspicion imply *anything* substancial???

>frederic is owner of chessBase.

Since when this?????

Did I miss him buying it? When did he do so?

You probably can explain this claim to us?

Or should you perhaps check your sources before quickly selling your darkest
nightmares as reality? ;-)

>it is the same when the owner of malboro asks a special cancer-doctor to write
>an article about smoking not beeing dangerous.

Frederic Friedel did not ask John Nunn to buy Chessbase for him,
and then write that he (John Nunn) doesn't think it is dangerous to use it :-)

Though some Mr. Czub may still think it is extremely dangerous... :-))

>you now quote anywhere that smoking is not dangerous because john nunn has said

Has he? I didn't even know he was smoking... ;-)

Anything in one cooking pot?
Reality, questionable comparisons and funny metaphors,
all suddenly turning back into some new kind of expected reality?

No matter if it fits, as long as you can cook it in one pot?

>and frederic paid for this... brilliant.

Did he?
You probably have a copy of the bill?

Or are you just misjudging reality from allegation phantasies again?

I'm thankful for any kind of clarification of all the more than questionable
points in one short post.

from Dirk

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