Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Peter Herttrich

Date: 02:13:58 09/18/98

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On September 17, 1998 at 17:42:58, Dirk Frickenschmidt wrote:

>On September 17, 1998 at 16:51:18, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>"interesting" is IMO that you feel the need to quote this here, even to
>>translate this rubbish interview stuff here.
>>there is NO excuse for the nunn-test.
>First funny remark.
>For what in heaven should the Nunn-test be excused at all???
>Could you please hint to any even remotely debatable *content* for claiming
>Any chess judgement on the Nunn positions?
>Any anything?
>Or do you just think the fact that Frederic Friedel knows John Nunn since many
>years is any kind of argument by itself???
>At least in conncection with your personal suspicion???
>>the nunn test was, so says css itself, done by nunn for css.
>>he has done it specially for his friend frederic.
>If I understood it roight Frederic Friedel then wanted a test with a
>representative set of opening positions for testgames, without book and cooking
>I want that too.
>The Nunn test was John Nunn's proposal for doing this.
>There may be other proposals.
>The Nunn test may be imbalanced. If anyone proves it to be so.
>So what???
>Does your suspicion imply *anything* substancial???
>>frederic is owner of chessBase.
>Since when this?????
>Did I miss him buying it? When did he do so?
>You probably can explain this claim to us?
>Or should you perhaps check your sources before quickly selling your darkest
>nightmares as reality? ;-)
>>it is the same when the owner of malboro asks a special cancer-doctor to write
>>an article about smoking not beeing dangerous.
>Frederic Friedel did not ask John Nunn to buy Chessbase for him,
>and then write that he (John Nunn) doesn't think it is dangerous to use it :-)
>Though some Mr. Czub may still think it is extremely dangerous... :-))
>>you now quote anywhere that smoking is not dangerous because john nunn has said
>Has he? I didn't even know he was smoking... ;-)
>Anything in one cooking pot?
>Reality, questionable comparisons and funny metaphors,
>all suddenly turning back into some new kind of expected reality?
>No matter if it fits, as long as you can cook it in one pot?
>>and frederic paid for this... brilliant.
>Did he?
>You probably have a copy of the bill?
>Or are you just misjudging reality from allegation phantasies again?
>I'm thankful for any kind of clarification of all the more than questionable
>points in one short post.
>from Dirk

Hello you fighters :-)

I would like to put some oil onto the waves.

I also followed the articles in css and came to the
conclusion, that the dependence Nunn/Fritz/cheating/Friedl/aso
is pure speculation.

G. Mueller said a right thing: The Test only tests himself.

I also invested some time with this test and build with my
rock-base a very huge book for crafty, which is normally
not for playing.
Then I followed the first three tests move for move with
this book. I had to notice with growing movenumbers a
very rare statistic for the moves. So I saw, that the
possibility, to reach this Nunn-position is statistically
nearly zero! No Chessprogramm with a good book would reach
such a position and had a chance to show it's ability, to
handle it. The Nunn-test has nothing to do with practically
real played chess. So I call it worthless.

I make a difference between theoretical chess (openings and
positions) and practical chess (openings and positions).
Nothing against experiments ore new ideas in the middlegame.

I hope, my point comes over. My english int't very good
to explain this.

I have another idea, to check, how chess-programs play without
influence of openings.
How abt: Let the programs play the first 8 moves from the
book and then switch off the books. Perhaps we can say 10
moves. This is a thing, what is to try.
Another possibility is, to set up known themes (french, sizilian,
or wahtever) till move 8 ore 10 as a position and let play
the silicons without book.

Only my two cents.


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