Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Moritz Berger

Date: 14:46:52 09/18/98

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On September 18, 1998 at 16:14:46, Thorsten Czub wrote:

>The Nunn-test is a special AUFTRAGSARBEIT von CB to be done by John Nunn.
>I don't know how to translate Auftragsarbeit. Auftragsarbeit means:
>somebody is asked to do a working job for a company xyz.

GM Dr. John Nunn was asked by the Computer Schach und Spiele magazine to develop
a test. Chessbase ("CB" in your quote above) had nothing to do with it.

Kind regards


>>> you only have to read it.
>>>John was asked to do this test. he did it for fred. for chessBase. not because
>>>he wanted it to do. he was asked to do it.
>Gern geschehen.

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