Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Thorsten Czub

Date: 15:48:58 09/18/98

Go up one level in this thread

On September 18, 1998 at 17:46:52, Moritz Berger wrote:

>On September 18, 1998 at 16:14:46, Thorsten Czub wrote:


>>The Nunn-test is a special AUFTRAGSARBEIT von CB to be done by John Nunn.
>>I don't know how to translate Auftragsarbeit. Auftragsarbeit means:
>>somebody is asked to do a working job for a company xyz.

>GM Dr. John Nunn was asked by the Computer Schach und Spiele magazine to develop
>a test. Chessbase ("CB" in your quote above) had nothing to do with it.

You are making jokes with the not knowing readers here.
The owner of CSS is frederic friedel.
The owner of CB is frederic friedel.
Most of the articles in CSS are - can you guess ? - about chessBase stuff.

what a purely sychnronicity.

random i guess :-)

Friedel is publisher of css and boss of chessbase in personalunion.

he is both.

so any article or sentence of him published in css is not journalism but
hidden advertising.
this is - following the german law - forbidden.
Avertisements have to been signed as advertisments. in css ad's are not
named ads but "articles".

hidden autoplayers. hidden advertising. hidden boss. hidden methods.

what do you need to understand.

By the way, shall i remember you on your own expertise about CSS that was
published in rgcc by yourself ?
or do you have changed your idea about CSS since you now work for ChessBase ?

mit den wölfen heulen Moritz. Wir sitzen doch alle in einem Boot moritz...
eine krähe pickt der anderen kein Auge aus. Fähnchen im Wind.

Isn't that bitter ?! Sometimes wind of change blows a lot of used air back. :-)

>Kind regards


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