Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ChessBase winboard compatability

Author: Mike S.

Date: 18:08:59 06/04/03

Go up one level in this thread

On June 04, 2003 at 20:13:52, Matthew White wrote:

>Are you sure about that? I have Fritz 6 and 7, and neither could use a winboard
>engine without the winboard adapter as far as I could tell.

Of course not (?!)... they could use winboard engines *with* the winboard

WINBOA~1 ENG        22.528  23.11.00   0:05 Winboard_Nov2K.eng

If somebody *has* that adapter and wants instructions how to use it, post your
questions. But keep in mind that - as mentioned already - not all WB. engines
will work with it, or some of the engine's "advanced" functionality may be lost.

There was a compatibility list of which WB. engines work with that adapter (and
with various GUIs), on the Quarkchess homepage. I don't know if it's available
still and if it's up to date though.

Recommendation: Use Wb2Uci instead...


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