Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Quiescent Explosion

Author: Peter Stayne

Date: 20:30:07 06/26/03

Go up one level in this thread

Not always, one example: on the playchess server, there was a guy running a
version of the king against my Deep Fritz 7. I was getting ~2500kn/s and was
having a tough time beating him.

His kn/s? 83.

It's all about how much knowledge is being used to eval the position to smartly
prune out inferior lines. If mine studies 2.5m nodes in a second but a higher
percentage of those weren't worthy of studying in the first place, a slower,
more accurate one that studies more 'worthy' nodes per second can overtake it.

Also see Shredder 7.04 vs Deep Junior

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