Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The key of pawn hash tables is based on what exactly?

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 11:24:18 09/06/03

Go up one level in this thread

On September 06, 2003 at 14:02:25, Will Singleton wrote:

>On September 06, 2003 at 13:47:24, Uri Blass wrote:
>>pawns are obvious but the question is if you store also
>>1)side to move
>>2)king squares
>>both 1 and 2 may be important for evaluation of unstoppable passed pawns.
>I modify the key based on king positions, endgame status, and total material.  I
>don't need side-to-move because promos are handled outside of pawn hash.  I
>recently added the material, slows it doen a bit but I think it's more correct
>for evaluating passers.


I will probably as first step modify the key only with pawn moves.
I do not plan to store evaluation there inspite of the fact that today part of
my evaluation is dependent only on the pawn structure because I will probably
modify it later and I believe that the expensive part is not the evaluation but
the need to update information every make move and unmake move that change the
pawn strcuture.

for example I have things like


I guess that it may be better to use the pawn hash to remember the bitboard of
the passed pawns of both sides to I can save the calculation of passedpawns and
openpawns that I do not need to do every move(I evaluate every position in the
tree so I need the information and cannot decide to calculate it only in the

I am not sure if remembering bitboards of passed pawn in the hash is a good idea
and it may be better to start by remembering number of passed pawns and in a lot
of cases it is 0 so I do not need to continue to store squares of passed pawns.


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