Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Ten years later: revising EPD/FEN/PGN

Author: Tim Foden

Date: 07:07:11 09/10/03

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On September 09, 2003 at 18:33:22, Steven Edwards wrote:

>PGN:  Again, several areas need re-examination.

As regards PGN, I found it difficult to know which move in the PGN tree a
particular comment would be associated with.  Is it the one before or after a
comment.  Is it instead associated with the position (between the moves) where
the comment is situated.  What about comments before the start of the game, and
after the end, and at the start and end of variations within the tree?

Anyway, maybe it would be nice to make this clear (if at all possible).  :)

On an almost completely unrelated note... do you still have a copy of your EGTB
generator?  I'm afraid one of my disks was lost and I no longer have a copy, and
I can't find it on the 'net anywhere?  If you've still got a copy, I'd
appreciate it if you'd e-mail it to me.  Thanks.

Cheers, Tim.

>1. Adding the Broket Form to the movetext.  A broket form is a single EPD
>operation delimited by angle brackets ("brokets").  This is a far better
>approach to embedding metadata than the cuurent use of comments.
>2. Deprecation of the use of a period of each White move number.  The use of a
>period here has little, if any, need and just consumes space.
>3. Removal of all mention of "canonical representation".  It was an attempt to
>support matching PGN movetexts based on simple string comparisons.  Unneeded.
>4. Formalization of the PGN tag name set, including any PGN tag names that have
>become popular "in the wild" and deprecating those which are rarely, if ever,
>5. Formalization of PGN tag value semantics.  Part of this includes the use of
>"*" to indicate an unknown value, just as it already does for a game result.
>6. Removal of the binary representation standard.  This is unneeded as the use
>of fast and portable text compression tools is now commonplace.
>7. Adding some kind of formal way of representing attributes for aggregates af
>PGN game data.

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