Author: Robert Hyatt
Date: 11:34:58 09/10/03
Go up one level in this thread
On September 10, 2003 at 01:45:27, Koundinya Veluri wrote: >On September 09, 2003 at 18:33:22, Steven Edwards wrote: > >>4. The centipawn evaluation operand type needs a mate score indication >>correction. > >I would also like to be able to use the "dm" (direct mate) opcode with negative >values. So dm -3 would mean the active color gets mated in 3 moves. The "dm" >opcode is more convenient to use than "ce" if your program doesn't use the EPD >mate score format internally. > >Koundinya Let's _DON'T_ do that. Why not make everything respective to white. I hate evaluations that are + for black, - for white. Etc. It makes reading the file very context-sensitive. I'd prefer something like Mate07 for white mates in 7 moves, or -Mate06 where white is mated in 6 moves. I didn't invent that format, I copied it from Chess Genius years ago. It is easy to read and understand, particularly if it is always given from white's perspective. I'd prefer to see _no_ "side-sensitive" stuff which makes things ambiguous. I like +1.5 to mean white is ahead, -1.5 to mean black is ahead. That makes things context insensitive.
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