Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Pawn hashing without Zobrist keys

Author: Gerd Isenberg

Date: 11:13:55 09/12/03


i never used Zobrist keys for pawn hashing in IsiChess,
but 64-bit difference of white and black pawn-bitboards
modulus some odd tablesize.

Not for speed reasons, but simply because i didn't knew
it better a few years ago.

Recently i played with some modulus by fixed point
approximation methods to get rid of the slow 64-bit mod:

I figured out following routine for mod(49981),
which is an appropriate size for a pawn hash table:

unsigned int mod49981 (unsigned __int64 a)
  // (2**64 + 49981 - 1) / 49981
  // is not exact divisible without remainder
  // 369075130023601.0003001140433 ~ 0x14FAC00053EB1
  unsigned __int64 m = (0x00014FAC00053EB1 * (a >> 32)
                      + 0x00014FAC * (a & 0xffffffff));
  int modulus = (int)(a - (__int64)(m>>32)* 49981);
  if ( modulus < 0 )  // correct negative results
    modulus += 49981; // due to the remainder of 0.0003
  return (unsigned int) modulus;

With compiler's help - inspecting the assembler output,
i fiddled out following assembler routine. It uses four
32-bit multiplications, but outperforms the above C-routine
as well as modulus 64-bit:

unsigned int CPawnHashTable::GetIndex(const CNode &node)
    mov  ecx, [node]
    mov  eax, 0x00014FAC
    mov  esi, dword ptr [ecx.m_PawnBB +  0]  ; white pawns low
    mov  ebx, dword ptr [ecx.m_PawnBB +  4]  ; white pawns high
    sub  esi, dword ptr [ecx.m_PawnBB +  8]  ; black pawns low
    sbb  ebx, dword ptr [ecx.m_PawnBB + 12]  ; black pawns high
    // unsigned int mod49981 (dwordSwapped(whitepawns-blackpawns))
    mul  esi        ; high dword of the swapped differece
    mov  ecx, eax
    mov  eax, 0x00053EB1
    mul  esi
    mov  esi, eax
    mov  eax, 0x00014FAC
    add  ecx, edx   ; ecx:esi
    mul  ebx	    ; edx:eax
    add  esi, eax
    mov  esi, 49981
    adc  ecx, edx
    mov  eax, esi
    mul  ecx        ; * 49981
    sub  ebx, eax
    mov  eax, ebx
    sar  ebx, 31    ; extend sign bit to mask
    and  ebx, esi   ; if ( modulus < 0 )
    add  eax, ebx   ;    modulus += 49981;

I found mul by 49981 faster on my Athlon, than a lea,add,shift sequence,
prefered by the MSC6-compiler:

    ; eax = ebx * 49981
    lea  eax,[ebx+ebx*2]
    lea  eax,[ebx+eax*4]
    shl  eax,6
    add  eax,ebx
    lea  eax,[eax+eax*2]
    lea  edx,[eax+eax*4]
    lea  eax,[ebx+edx*4]

The hitrate with this method (and replace ever scheme)
is > 85% with the initial position after a one minute search.
In most testpositions > 95% and up to 99.9% (e.g. fine 70).

If you do pawn hashing in a similar "modulus 64-bit" way,
regardless whether using Zobrist keys or not, you may try
this routine - feedback and suggestions welcome.


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