Author: Ulrich Tuerke
Date: 12:21:18 12/09/03
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... > >I see the GUI rather independent from the engine. I would agree if you e.g. >forbid the GUI to use stuff like book handling, internal tablebase handling, >claim draw (!) etc.. But the rest is more or less the same in each GUI. It would >be the same if you would force me to write my own GUI (which I wont do) or >tournament console mode (which I consider to do). Agreed. If the GUI is solely used to make operation a bit comfortabler, it should be okay. > >BTW: Nexus which is written in Delphi has also a very nice GUI. > >>On tourneys, I like to use my own simple text GUI, supporting operator time, >>clock adjustment, producing a loud noise to wake you up after moving, ... > >In Graz Thomas was the only one whose engine made a lot of noise. It was a bit >annoying but on the other hand it was very comfortable if you played with Quark. >:-) > >>However, on ipcc in Paderborn for instance, the organizers like to publish the >>games online in web. This is more comfortably done using the Fritz GUI, which > >Yes, we did this in Graz, too. > >>can be configured to update a pgn file after each move. But I guess that the >>athmosphere on ipcc is far more relaxed than on wmcc ? > >The athmosphere in Graz was relaxed. It wasn´t in the chess forums. It was my >first real life tournament so I cannot compare it with Paderborn. Perhaps, you should broaden your tourney experience. Paderborn is a very nice tourney and the city is _real_ cheap. Uli > >Greetings, >Steffen.
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