Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: passed pawn evaluation.

Author: Russell Reagan

Date: 14:05:06 01/12/04

Go up one level in this thread

On January 12, 2004 at 10:02:07, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>Watch out about "connected passers."
>give white two pawns on d2/e2.  Give black two pawns on a2/h2.  Both kings
>in the center.  Which side do you like?  :)
>This happens a lot vs GM players, once they see the hole.  They will
>happily give you those two connected passers.  :)
>Connected passers are good when you have pieces...  But with no pieces,
>look out.

Wouldn't appropriately initialized piece square tables still give the black
pawns on the 2nd rank a much higher score than white connected pawns on the 2nd

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