Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: QSearch() as PVS() ?

Author: Anthony Cozzie

Date: 17:06:17 01/14/04

Go up one level in this thread

On January 14, 2004 at 19:08:10, Uri Blass wrote:

>On January 14, 2004 at 18:25:34, Tord Romstad wrote:
>>On January 14, 2004 at 16:56:20, Anthony Cozzie wrote:
>>>On January 14, 2004 at 16:26:42, Ed Trice wrote:
>>>>>Have you considered trying MTD(f) instead of PVS?  I am not sure it is any more
>>>>>efficient in practice, but it is easier to code, and has the additional benefit
>>>>>of making you feel different, original, interesting, intelligent, handsome and
>>>>Well Aske Plaat would love to hear that :)
>>>>But doesn't MTD(f) trigger a great deal of researches? I remember trying that
>>>>once and it bloated the tree.
>>>---- opinion mode on ----
>>>MTD(f) has two big problems.
>>>1, you ponder the wrong move occasionally because your PVs are less accurate.
>>>If you are pondering the wrong move 20% of the time that is equivalent to a 10%
>>>time loss.
>>This is not a *big* problem by any stretch of the imagination.  It does indeed
>>that the last few moves of the PV are wrong or missing, but I have *never* seen
>>as obviously wrong move as the second move of the PV.  This does of course not
>>mean that it never happens, but it is clearly very rare.
>>On the other hand, it *does* happen that the PV contains only one move, and
>>is no move to ponder at all.  This happens maybe once every 5 or 10 games, but
>>usually when the game is already won or lost.
>>>2, MTD(f) is at its worst when the score is dropping.  A fail high in MTD(F) is
>>>much faster than a fail low (1 child node vs all child nodes).
>>This is true.  The average branching factor is clearly lower when the initial
>>of the search is downward.
>>>this is when you need your search the most: you are in trouble, and you need to
>>>make exact moves to win/draw (you might already be lost, but thats just the way
>>>it goes).
>>Most of us extend the thinking time in such situations, and try to avoid making
>>move before the search fails high.
>>By the way, there are a few things you could try to solve the problem you
>>although I haven't yet tried them.  The main idea is to give up quickly if the
>>appers to fail low.  The easiest thing to do is to just abort the search if the
>>first move
>>at the root fails low, and immediately start a new search with a lower search
>>It is certainly possible to find refinements to this idea, but as I said I
>>haven't experimented
>>with it yet.
>>>I remember some Zappa-Gothmog games where Gothmog had been searching
>>>8 ply, got in a tight spot, made a 6 ply search, played a huge blunder, and went
>>>from -1 to -5 the next move.
>>It is quite common that the search depth reached varies a lot from move to move
>>in Gothmog (a difference of 3 or 4 plies is not unusual), but usually this is
>>due to
>>DFP rather than MTD(f).  A sudden dramatic drop in search depth usually means
>>that most of the DFP is disabled for some reason.
>>And in general, if you want to knock MTD(f), you really need to base your
>>conclusions on
>>something more substantial than games against Gothmog, which undeniably is the
>>slowest, weakest and most buggy MTD(f) engine known to man.
>I do not believe it.
>PostModernist also use MTD and I think that Gothmog is stronger than
>I did not test Gothmog and my impression is based on results that I read that
>suggest that Gothmog is at the same level of engines like Ktulu.

This is all part of Tord's secret plan to take over the world.  The real reason
Gothmog is slow is that the first line in his Search() function is:

for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) ;

He plans to lull us into a false sense of security and then surprise everyone at
 Tel Aviv.

Either that or he's been spending too much time around Matthias . . .


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