Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: quiesce node explosion

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 15:24:35 01/24/04

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On January 24, 2004 at 17:58:54, Anthony Cozzie wrote:

>On January 24, 2004 at 15:57:50, Mike Siler wrote:
>>In an average middlegame position, around 80-85% of the nodes my program
>>searches are quiesce nodes. I have a static exchange evaluator and I only search
>>captures with SEE value > 0. It seems like other engines are always under 25%
>>qnodes. What else should I be doing to reduce these numbers?
>Zappa has similar percentages.  Only engines that forward prune will have 30%

It is dependent on the definition of qnodes.

Mike did not use the right definition but if I remember correctly  even tscp has
not more than 30% qnodes based on the right definition.

Engines that use checks and other moves in the qsearch may have more than 30% if
they do not do a lot of pruning.


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