Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Closed pawn center and Kingsafety

Author: Gerd Isenberg

Date: 10:52:13 03/05/04

May be a interesting position for static eval.

Topics: Closed pawn center and Kingsafety, pawn storm, good and bad bishops,
mobility and may be a trapped queen on g6 later on. Attacking Trajectories?

Anyway, search should find h4 fast, but correct implemented knowledge helps to
become even faster. But h4 may be wrongly considered positionally weak due the
demaged potential pawn shields on both wings and may therefore penalize the
centered king, able to castle two ways.

[D]rn2r1k1/pb1n1ppp/1p1p1q2/2pPpN2/2P1P3/P1PBBP2/6PP/R2QK2R w KQ - ; bm h4

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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