Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: evaluation tuning tricks

Author: milix

Date: 02:26:50 03/17/04

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On March 17, 2004 at 04:58:06, Peter Alloysius wrote:

>what are tricks for evaluation tuning so that it could
>search less nodes?
>i noted that my engine use exactly same move ordering scheme as
>crafty but it still search much more nodes.
>my engine also use adaptive null move, and futility pruning.
>so i think the problem is on evaluation tuning.
>i heard that tuning evaluation function can reduces node searched,
>so what's the trick?

I think that there is no special trick. A bad evaluation will missguide the
search. When I turn off the positional evaluation (and have only material+piece
square scores) my engine is doing too many researches and the move ordering is
also very bad. Same effect if I alter a positinal characteristic too much, like
giving a very big bonus in advanced pawns or penalize bad king safety too much.

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