Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Moderator questions

Author: Micheal Cummings

Date: 22:49:33 12/13/98

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Hello Robert

First of all I would like to say that this is just a posting place on the
interent. A place to give and exchange info and ideas.

You reference to a father checking up on his daughters new boyfriend is a bit
over the top in relation to this matter.

I will give you an example, just say your son forgot to feed the cat an hour
ago, and you tiurn around and treat him like he just went a killed someone. A
big over reaction on something that is not worth it.

I believe you are innocent till proven guilty, and when you wrote " wouldn't you
suspect he/she would do the same over here?" well they might or might not, they
have to do the crime first before you can judge them.

Most people who are shitheads in the world when they walk into a church they are
good and kind to the people around them, they act differently within a church
and never cause trouble, but if they did you would then kick them out.

You have to give people a chance Robert. Then kick their sorry ass out into the
street once they have been warned and mess up.

Maybe it is also got to do with different cultures, Many countries are more
strict on how people behave than others. I read some people who gave answers to
moderator question, some want to boot people out strait away, some want warnings

I think some official policy should be made on what and how to treat people who
mess up on here, make a certain crime be punishable a certain way, either it be
suspended or banned. Make up some rules on what will happen, so a moderator is
not left to judge this on his own as in what to do with that person. And if
these were included under the Charter then the members could also see what their
actions would get in return.

I think it is time to put this to the members in an opinion poll as to what
actions deserves what penalty.

For example a question could be, If a member personally attacked another member
then what should be the penanlty

1. Ban (1 week)
2. Ban (2 weeks)
3. Ban (3 weeks)
4. Warning
5. Suspend Posting (2 weeks)

and so on, or maybe suspend posting where they could read but not post for a
period of time. I mean you can make up many type of penalties for actions. I
think this would work and once and for all bring some certain order into here
for all the members to see what actions bring what penalty.

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